Selasa, 25 November 2014

Indicate sales performance graphically on a dashboard


ketikkan kode berikut ini pada cell C23 :

=ROUND(C10,0) & " " &  IF(C9<C10,"▲", IF(C9=C10,"●","▼"))

The ROUND function is used to reduce a given value to a specific number of decimal places.
The function will round the last number (the rounding digit) up or down depending on the value of the number to the right of the rounding digit.
If the value of the number to the right of the rounding digit is less than five, the rounding digit is left unchanged. Ex: 3.567 akan dibulatkan menjadi 3.6
Jika cell C9<C10 maka beri simbol ▲, IF(C9=C10 diberi simbol ●, selain itu beri simbol ▼. Simbol ini akan ditempatkan setelah nilai hasil pembulatan dengan menggunakan round dan spasi.

Semoga bermanfaat.


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